For my final project in digital art 3 I decided to explore scanography art. My inspiration for this project came from my cousin who first introduced me to this method of photography this past summer and from nature. I want to combine things in their natural state, with loud manipulated colors. There is also a great relation to Georgia O'Keeffe and her work with flowers and feminism/sexuality. Throughout these pieces there are over arching themes of feminism and yearning for sexual pleasure. For example in the first image the rose to the left that is stretched may represent a women's reproductive parts and the elongated leaf on the bottom a males reproductive part. They aren't quite together yet but the viewer can imagine them growing closer together. this imagery continues throughout other pieces in this series. The colors I chose also make a strong point towards sex and sexual pleasure, making the images more intimate and longing. Overall I enjoyed creating this series (although I wish I put them into video/gif) and will continue to explore scanography art.

*image below not included in series*
