This project is a continuation/finalization of my WOW project last semester. I used the images from previously and added more in order to create a flowing zine. This zine explores identity. These images represent different emotions and/or auras. Continuing my exploration of positive and negative color, positive and negative space, patterns, abstraction and emotions. I will be using found images of film 'glitches' mixed with portraits that I find show a large amount of emotion, and pairing colors with each other to display different emotions through each spread in the zine. The abstract pieces can show how those emotions flow through the body. This project was very satisfying and enjoyable for me because I could explore color theory, abstraction, and use software I am familiar with. As being my first project in an independent study it was fun to create my own guidelines to follow, and I got into a good creative flow. The zine is 5x7 and I printed 5 copies. In the future I would like to create more zines because I like creating art digitally but also having a hard copy of my final product!
Project 1
Updated: Nov 16, 2021