This project turned out much different than I was planning on from the beginning. I still stuck to the idea of abstract shapes and colors, but instead of assigning a mood or feeling to each of the colors I made it more broad in that sense. these images represent a whole person, hence the gray shape. Each person is made up of many parts (each blob of color), but sometimes these parts 'glitch' and malfunction. for example mental health affects every part of ones body, their emotions and physical state. the glitches on each blob represent that not everything is perfect and-- shit happens. but we stay as one hole piece as best we can even though certain parts may feel that they are falling apart. I created these images in procreate, a software I am familiar with the basics, but not all the hidden tools. I got to explore and learn more about this software, and that there are many different effects, especially glitch! I want to further my knowledge on softwares to better my understanding in digital art!