The Rise of Digital Painting: A Contemporary Phenomenon
This article, written in 2020 by Rosie Lesso is about digital painting. She started off by saying, “uniting the gooey mess of paint with technology’s clean, polished veneer” stuck out to me because she described it in such a way that is correct, but still makes you stop and think about it. Digital painting is inventive, exploratory and unique by combining technology and coding with such a pristine medium of art. Digital painting came about when pop art and photorealism became popular. Some artists would “mix photographic and painterly effects together to express admiration for both mass media and the tactility of paint”. Mixed media is something I enjoy exploring and agree that is is unique to use the realism of photography with the painterly aspects of using a brush and hand. The article then goes on to explain how printers and scanners can introduce playfulness into one's art and provide more opportunities for uniqueness. As technology continues to develop the rise of digital painting will continue to grow and become more popular.
